Thursday, September 24, 2009

What's new

I just got through working with a great artist named Lynda Haman. She painted a flower design on duck canvas and I made a purse from the fabric. This is my newest pattern series called "Art to Carry" The pattern is still in the writing process but thought you might like a sneak preview. Lynda has written up the process and products she used which we will be sharing soon. The fabric feels like vinyl and really made a nice structured purse. This is a picture of Linda holding her new purse. Keep checking for updates.

I just did a workshop on the Creamed Portable Pocket for the American Sewing - Guild Rio Grande Chapter. We played in shaving cream, paints, glitter, beads and crystals. Everyone finished and had a GREAT looking little bag - each one unique to them! This was a great group of gals.